From Stocking Fillers, to Premium Gifts and everything in between. VeloChampion not only provide road cycling equipment, but also mountain bike essentials, running and triathlon equipment too, so you will be sure to find the right gift.
Don’t forget! Sunday June 16th is Father’s Day. Here at Velochampion HQ we put our heads together to construct a gift guide to help you to decide the ideal cycling present for your dad this Father’s Day. So read on and see what whether we have figured out the ideal present for your father...
Sunglasses are one of those pieces of kit that every rider should carry, whether to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays in the current sunny, early spring weather. Or whether it is simply to prevent mud, dirt and debris from the road entering your eyes in wintry conditions. A decent pair of sunglasses is essential for every rider at every level of the sport.